1.1. Name

The name of the golf course governed under these Rules is the Bonanza Golf Course with registration number 320170009383 being a business name of PROTEA LEISURE LIMITED which is a private company limited by shares with company registration number 120090081420, having its registered office in Lusaka.

1.2. Definitions
“The Board” refers to the Board of Directors of Protea Leisure Limited T/A Bonanza Golf Course.

 “Course” means the Bonanza Golf Course and Club House;

“the Club House” means the clubhouse located on the Property open to Members and Guests of the Bonanza Golf Course;

“Financial Year” means 1st January to 31st December for every year;

 “Golf Director” is the person appointed by the Board to manage the Golf Course and clubhouse on a day to day basis;

“The Golf Course” means Bonanza Golf Course situated at Farm 2062 Lusaka;

“Guests” means persons invited by Members to play golf or persons who are not Members and are not invited by Members but who wish to play golf on a particular day;

“Management” refers to the Golf Director and the senior operational staff all appointed by the Board to oversee the day to day running of the Golf Course;

“Member” means any person who has signed the Membership Application Form and paid his/her Membership Fees;

“Membership” means the Member’s membership to the Golf Course which entails privileged use and access to the Course’s facilities and the Golf Course, subject to compliance with the rights, obligations and restrictions set out in these Rules;

“Membership Application Form” means the form to be completed by any person wishing to become a member of the Golf Course;

“Membership Fees” means the annual Membership fees due and payable by every Member to the Operator to enable it to operate and maintain the Golf Course and Club House;

“Notice Board” means the attached structures in the Club House for notice purposes where a copy of these Rules will be affixed;

“Operator” means Protea Leisure Limited T/A Bonanza Golf Course, authorised by the Owner to manage and operate the Golf Course;

“Owner” means Union Gold Zambia Limited the registered owner of Sub X9 of Farm No. 2062;

“Property” means Sub X9  of Farm No. 2062 where the Golf Course and Club House are located;

“Notice Board” are the attached structures in the club house for notice purposes;

“Rules” means the golf rules set out in this document being the Bonanza Golf Course Rules.

The Golf Course has been established:
2.1. To stimulate interest in golf by bringing together a group of golfers.

2.2. To promote and foster among the Members a closer bond and fraternity for their joint and mutual benefit, and to promote and conserve the best interests and true spirit of the game of golf;

2.3. To provide facilities for its Members and Guests for the playing of golf and such other sports as Management may from time to time determine;

2.4. To do all things necessary or desirable for promoting the recreation, accommodation and comfort of its Members and Guests;

2.5. To promote and hold either alone or jointly with any other associations, clubs or persons, meetings, competitions or matches for sports facilities for the playing of which are provided by the Golf Course and to offer, give or contribute towards prizes, medals and awards; and

2.6. To establish, promote or to assist in the establishment or promotion of, and to subscribe to or become a Member or associated or amalgamated with, any other club or association whose objects are complementary to the objects of the Golf Course or the establishment or promotion of which may be beneficial to the Golf Course.

3.1. Any qualifying person wishing to become a Member of the Golf Course shall sign the Membership Application Form.

3.2   Membership of the Golf Course shall be determined by the Board and will comprise of the following: Full Membership, Bonanza Estate Memerbship, Players Card Membership, Corporate Membership and Junior Membership.

3.3     Membership confers no voice in the operation of the Golf Course, Club House nor any facilities of the Golf Course.  Members shall be entitled to use the facilities of the Course, subject to any restrictions imposed by the Board and these Rules as amended from time to time and to any fee payable.

3.4 Membership of the Course does not and shall not give any member a right, title, interest, claim or demand to any of the monies, property or assets of the Course, but only confers on such Member the right and privilege of entering in and upon the grounds of the Golf Course, and to use and enjoy the facilities of the Course in accordance with the purpose for which it is intended and subject to such restrictions and charges as the Board may from time to time impose, and subject to these Rules as amended from time to time.

3.5 Members shall not be liable for the debts, contractual obligations or any other liabilities of the Course and their liability shall be limited solely to the amount due by them in respect of their outstanding Membership Fees or other monies payable by them.

3.6 The Course is licensed to sell liquor and refreshments on its premises subject to the following condition:
3.7 No disorderly behaviour shall be allowed of any Member of any Member’s guest.  Should a Member or his guest behave disor- derly such Member’s Membership with the Course may be suspended or revoked.

4.1 The Membership Fees shall be such sum as the Board shall from time to time determine. The Board shall have the right from time to time in its absolute discretion to determine the manner of their payment.

4.2 The Membership Fees shall be an annual sum, payable in advance.

4.3 All Membership Fees shall be paid to the Operator by the Members when payments fall due.

4.4 New Members shall pay the Membership Fee as from the 1st month in which Membership is applied for.

4.3 The current Membership fees are stated on the Membership Application Form.

4.4 Annual Membership Fees shall be in respect of the Financial Year of the golf course and shall be payable in advance.

4.5 A Member who has not paid his/her subscriptions within one month after it became due and payable, shall be advised in writ- ing that his/her Membership is terminated and such a Member, should he/she be interested in reapplying for membership, must do so through the membership application process.

4.6 Any Member who during the year changes his/her category of membership shall become liable for any increase in subscription for the remaining period, but will only be entitled to any decrease for that unexpired portion of the Financial Year of the golf course at the sole discretion of the Board.

4.7 Members shall not be entitled to any rebate of or reduction of subscription by reason of absence of any kind or for any reason, provided however, that the Board may in its absolute discretion in the case of continued illness or infirmity of a Member, or in exceptional circumstances, waive a part of the subscription.

4.8 The Board shall announce annual subscriptions 30 (thirty) days in advance, before it becomes payable by the Members, on the Notice Boards.

5.1 Every Member shall be obliged:
5.1.1 To pay the Membership Fees as determined by the Board.

5.1.2 To pay and make good to the Golf Course any loss or damage which the Golf Course may sustain through any act of default of the Member, his/her Guests or family members.

5.1.3 To notify the Golf Course of any change in address, e-mail or telephone numbers.

5.1.4 To observe the Rules of the Golf Course as amended from time to time.
5.2 Every Member undertakes:
5.2.1 that he/she (and any Guest) adheres at all times to the Rules of the Golf Course;

5.2.2 to pay promptly all amounts payable when due to the Golf Course including without limitation all applicable Fees;

5.2.3 to remain subject to the Rules of the Golf Course whilst he is a Member; and adhere to an appropriate dress code when playing golf which shall include collared shirts, appropriate shoes and hat or golf cap.

5.2.4 Not to play golf before he/she has paid the applicable fee.

5.2.5 Not to enter any private property to collect golf balls; any breach of this rule will result in action being taken by the Golf Director and Management.

6.1 The Board shall retain exclusive control and decision-making powers in relation to the Course.

6.2 The Board shall appoint the Golf Director and the Management team, and shall define the scope of their respective rolls and remuneration.

6.3 Membership confers no voice in the operation of the Course nor any facilities at the Golf Course.

7.1 A Member’s Membership may be terminated or suspended by the Golf Director or the Board at its discretion if the Member should:
7.1.1 Exhibit unsatisfactory behaviour which is likely to reflect discredit or disrepute to the Golf Course, the Board and or other Members.

7.1.2 Permit his/her Membership card to be used by a non-member.

7.1.3 Fail to pay dues and Membership Fees in a proper and timely manner.

7.1.4 Fail to abide by the Rules of the Golf Course.

7.1.5 Treat the employees or personnel of the Golf Course in an unacceptable manner.

7.2 In the event that any Member commits any of the above offences or commits any act which reflects discredit or disrepute on the Course, the Members or the Board or shall refuse or neglect to comply with the Rules adopted by the Board or the duly appointed officers, such Member shall be subject to suspension or expulsion at the sole discretion of the Golf Director and Management. The Member shall have no further recourse against the Golf Director or Management where such action has been taken and shall forfeit the balance his/her Membership Fees.
7.3 Any Member who commits any wilful breach of the Rules, or be guilty of improper, dishonest or unworthy conduct, unbecom- ing or prejudicial to the interest of the Course, whether within the Course’s boundaries or outside them, can be called upon to appear before the Golf Director and Management to review such breach.
7.4 A Member may resign his Membership in writing addressed to the Golf Director not less than thirty (30) day before he/she intends to resign. No refund will be given however, the Golf Director may in his absolute discretion in the case of continued illness or infirmity of a Member, or in exceptional circumstances, refund a part of the subscription.

8.1 There shall be established a golf committee which shall consist of the Golf Director and four Members.
8.2 The golf committee shall meet four times in a year.

The golf committee’s sole responsibility is to contribute to the development of the game and assist in any and all ways possible as requested by the Golf Director. This could include but is not limited to:
a) Developing, planning, and promoting aspects required to increase the interest and development of junior golf;

b) Assisting the Golf Director and Management in the successful execution of Trophy events.

c) Providing the Golf Director and Management with feedback received from Members.

d) Assisting with special events, prizes, fundraising, arrangement of sponsorship’s and general development of golf at the Course in liaison with the Golf Director and Management.

8.3 Being a representative of the golf committee shall have no convey upon that Member any right, title, interest, claim or demand to any monies, property or assets of the Course.

9.1 Members wishing to represent the Golf Committee must apply in writing to the Golf Director no later than 1 December.

9.2 The Golf Director and Management will decide at their sole discretion which applicants will represent the Golf  Committee, who’s term will run for 12 Months from 1 January the following year.

All persons entering the Golf Course’s premises or using the Course’s facilities do so at their own risk and all such persons must be responsible for their own safety and for the care of their belongings. Neither the Golf Course nor Management, employees, agents or contractors shall be liable for any injuries (including loss of life) incurred by such persons or loss or damage to their belongings, whatever the cause.

General Golf Course notices and Special notices to Members shall be posted on the notice boards provided on the Course’s premises and via available electronic mail. This posting shall be regarded as sufficient notice to each individual Member, Guests and visitors.

Whilst using golf cars, the rules displayed in the golf car are to be adhered to at all times. No person under the age of 18 years may drive a golf car and Management will control this. Golf cars are utilized at the renter’s own risk. Owners of their own golf cars will adhere to the same rules.

The driving range and practice facilities are the responsibility of Management and are provided for all persons on the golf course, visitors and Members. Any persons using these facilities will abide by instructions issued by the official on duty.

These are not permitted on the course or cart paths.

The course is open every day.  Management of the Golf Course has the right to close the course for various reasons and where possible will advise in advance.

Members, Guests and Visitors are required to adhere to the pace of play guide which will be posted on the notice boards and on the Golf Courses website (www.bonanzagolfcourse.com).

The, kitchen, offices, storerooms, workshops and behind the counter in any of the bar’s are prohibited to all Members and Guests or visitors.

These Rules may be added to, repealed or amended at the sole discretion of the Board provided that notice of any addition or repeal or amendment of the Rules will be affixed to the Notice Board thirty (30) days before the amendments come into effect.

These Rules and any future amendments are binding on all Members of the Course and any Guests or visitors to the Course.