Play shall be under the rules of the Royal and Ancient (R&A) and the United States Golf Association (USGA) subject to the following local rules: –
- All penalty areas are marked with red stakes or red paint.
- Penalty area drop zones are marked on holes 2 (back of green), 5, 9, 12, 14, 16 and 18.
- Free relief may be taken as per rule 16.1a should a concrete bridge surround, paved road or green irrigation box interfere with a player’s stance or swing.
- Out of bounds / lost ball : All boundary fences without white stakes and beyond all areas marked with white stakes.
Alternative to stroke and distance: For two penalty strokes, the player may take penalty relief using the alternative relief guidelines published in the 2019 rules of golf update. The procedure is posted on the notice board OR CLICK HERE TO VIEW EXPLANATION
- A ball finishing beyond the cart path on 9 or 18 must be dropped on the side closest to the hole being played, within 2 club lengths from the point where the ball crossed the cart part for a penalty of 1 stroke.
- Compulsory relief must be taken if a planted young tree (a tree shorter than two driver lengths) interferes with a player’s stance or swing, see rule 16.1a for relief procedure. No relief may be taken if a tree is inside a penalty area.
- Should a fringe interfere with a players backstroke, the player may place the ball back onto the fringe at the nearest point possible.
- Bonanza adopts the player code of conduct as set in rule 1.2a and 1.2a/1. Bonanza’s conduct guide as well as applicable penalties for breach of conduct rules are available on the noticeboard and below.
- Ground Under Repair – marked with white paint only, any area demarcated by stakes are to control golf cart traffic and DO NOT form part of ground under repair.
- Unkept rough: any area which has rough height of 5 inches or longer for 5 continuous meters or more is defined as unkept rough and can be treated as red penalty area, even if unmarked. Relief can be taken in terms of Rule 17.1d.
- Green sprigging: areas which have been treated by sand for the purpose of sprigging greens may be treated as ground under repair.
- Preferred lies: 1 club length